Ticket Settings

To access the Ticket Settings feature: 

  1. Select Tickets from the Main menu to display a list of tickets as shown below.
  2. From the options drop-down, select Settings to open the Settings Dashboard

Ticket Settings Panel

On the Ticket Settings panel, you can customise;

  • The default number of days for reminders - The number of days in which the system should remind you of a ticket and can be automated according to the priority set. Default no of days to be set for Reminders for High, Medium and Low priority tickets
  • Job Card Settings & Defaults - What details would you like to include when the job card is created and whether or not you would like to notify the service provider via SMS so that he is aware of the email sent to him containing the job card. Include Landlord and/or Tenant details and signature lines.
  • Ticket Opened Notifications - These are email or SMS notifications that will be sent to the selected primary landlord and/or tenant when a new ticket is Opened. Enable / Disable notifications via Email and/or SMS
  • Ticket Closed Notifications - These are email or SMS notifications that will be sent to the selected primary landlord and/or tenant when a ticket is Closed. Enable / Disable notifications via Email and/or SMS

Ticket Phases Panel

On the Ticket Phases panel, you can customise; 

  • Add a new ticket phase. Type the name of the Phase you want to add, then click on the blue button to add it to the list
  • Drag and drop to customise the sequence
  • Click on the pen to Edit
  • Click on the X to delete 

Notification Panel

On the Notification Panel, you can customise the body text of Email and SMS messages that will go out to the selected recipients (tenant or landlord) when a ticket is Opened or Closed. 

To change the body text for a specific notification:

  • Click on the notification you want to change to open the Body Text field
  • Change the text (Add, Delete, Change)
  • Use the Tag feature to select and insert a tag from the drop-down list of available tags.
  • When you are done, click on the Save Changes button.

Note - what is a Tag?

A Tag is a placeholder for a specific piece of information that needs to be replaced with the actual information from the context when the notification is compiled. For example, a tag for ##ContactName## will be replaced with the actual Contact Name of a Tenant or Landlord when a notification is sent from a specific Maintenance Ticket.

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